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Girls!  Listen up!

Girls! Listen up!

Girls!  Listen up!

During my travels, I engaged in numerous conversations with young women, inquiring about their happiness. The recurring response centered around their desire for equal treatment, equal pay, and opportunities in their respective fields.

Witnessing these young girls made me reflect on how our society perpetuates gender-based expectations. I couldn't help but wonder why such notions continue to be propagated.

Throughout my entire life, I've grappled with my place within the Hispanic culture, often feeling like I didn't belong. However, I've come to realize that my sense of belonging stems from my mission to raise awareness about the suppressed and challenging lives my ancestors endured.

Girls, let's embrace the unconventional wisdom passed down by our beautiful grandmothers, understanding that they operated with the tools they had at their disposal. It's time to progress, to learn from new experiences, and to make the most of life's opportunities.

Let's also find it in our hearts to forgive our ancestors for not knowing better, as forgiveness is a valuable tool we possess. By moving forward and making better choices for ourselves, we can honor their legacy and pave the way for a brighter future.

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